Brand: Naturally for You
Primary Type: Herbal
Dry Scent: Strongly clove scent along with the musty herbal scents of dock and sarsaparilla and hints of cinnamon and dandelion root. Definitely different from everything else I have in the cupboard, that's for sure.
Steeping Time: 7-10 min
Steeped Flavour: This tea has a very similar flavour to "real" root beer, probably because it has sarsaparilla roots. I'm not big on this when it's hot, but iced, omg it's amazing. The initial flavour over the tongue is strongly clovey, but there is an incredible lingering sweetness on the tongue, almost sweeter than sugar, with honey-like notes to it.
Food/Drink Pairings: This is a tea that does best with strongly flavoured foods, steak, roast, or similar foods. Definitely best iced, but that's just my own experience. Quite a "different" tea from the norm!
Rating out of Six Tails:
Buy/Don't Buy
Buy/Don't Buy
Putting a "buy" on this for you local folks but keep in mind that it's not your regular "tea", it's much more of a herbal infusion. It is, however, very good if you are like me and prone to anaemia, since yellow dock, one of the ingredients, helps the body absorb iron better.
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