Sunday, 3 November 2013

White Chocolate Frost

Name:  White Chocolate Frost

Brand:  David's Tea

Primary Type:  Herbal

Dry Scent:  Smells like creamy peppermint.  A little like after eights or peppermint patties, there's definitely a slightly chocolatey edge to this.

Steeping Time:  3 min

Steeped Flavour:  Well, you all know I'm not big on mint teas, so keep that in mind.  All in all this one isn't bad on the mint, it's nicely balanced by the white chocolate to keep it sweet and creamy.  There is something a little unusual with this tea, though.  There is a slight skim of oil on top of the tea, likely from the white chocolate, and it's...almost salty.  Sweet, but there was definitely a pang of salt in this, and I just can't figure out where it comes from.

Food/Drink Pairings:  This tea is probably best as a dessert tea, as it is actually fairly sweet.  The peppermint is of course good for the digestion (for most people, just not me) and it does do a really good job at palate cleansing.

Rating out of Six Tails:

Buy/Don't Buy

I put a buy on this for folks who like peppermint teas, and because the salty taste did actually help enhance the flavour, but I also do recommend trying before you buy if possible, to be sure, since I can't exactly trust my own evaluations of mint teas for the tastes of others.

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