Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Advent Calendar Day 10

Hooray!  Today I get to try a new one of the holiday teas...  Coffee Cake!

Name:  Coffee Cake

Brand:  David's Tea

Primary Type:  Black

Dry Scent:  This has a very thick, sweet scent, very cake-y and rich.  There is a slight fruitiness and also a definite dark earthiness from the black tea.  Clearly this is a very strong black tea, which it needs to be to stand up to the candied fruit and molasses scents.

Steeping Time: 4-5 min (less is more with this, since steeping too long can make the black tea overpower the rest of the scents)

Steeped Flavour:  This is a strong tea.  Definitely strong; and rich dark, slightly tannic black tea flavours lurk underneath sweetness from the fruit bits and rich cakeyness of molasses.  This is the kind of tea that you drink when you really need to stay up all night to finish studying for winter finals, or to help stave off the effects of overindulging from a christmas party... ^_~

Food/Drink Pairings:  This is a dessert tea...or if you're into it, a first thing in the morning, slap you awake, breakfast tea that would go amazingly with pancakes.  If you wish to add booze to this it would have to be something quite strong, perhaps Kraken black rum...  Or maybe to bump up the fruity aspect, some lemon drop schnapps or Chambord...  In fact, I have just tried the latter and can DEFINITELY recommend it!  Yummers!

Rating out of Six Tails:

Buy/Don't Buy

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